2014 New Start

People always come up with a new years resolution only to fail two months in, if they're lucky. You've done it. I've done it. Year after year.  Disappointed time and time again. "This year will be different!" we tell ourselves. But it never is. It's always the same. Well this year, I'm not falling for it. I'm not making a "new years resolution". WHAT? No goals? Negative. I'm still creating goals for myself, but with one single word.

Here's how my word journey began. A few years ago, my pastor at First Baptist Church Orlando spoke about the church having a word of the year and encouraged church members to do the same. I thought of a word, but I never stuck to it. I was one who insisted my resolution was going to work. Well, it didn't. Just like every other year.

Enter: fall of 2013.
After working so many hours during the retail craziness of Christmas shopping, I found myself in prayer often during my downtime, at work and outside of work. My prayer led me closer to God and in turn, he led me to trying a word again. After more time spent in prayer, He led me to my word. New.

New start. New recipes. New exercises. New Me.

I was doing some research on the internet yesterday and came across this site http://oneword365.com/ and discovered there is more to this "word of the year" than I thought! There are tons of people partaking in a word vs a resolution now. In my opinion, its easier to stay motivated by a simple word that shapes your year, and shapes you! I've heard from many church friends that their words help them drastically and have truly changed their lives. This blog, will be my journey through life, living one day at a time, with one word. Join me if you want, but I hope you enjoy reading about my journey and that it inspires you to start your own word resolution.


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